Saturday, April 14, 2012

42 statements of gratitude

Today is my birthday. One of my gifts to self on this day is reflecting on the many things in my life for which I am grateful 42 is my aim since I am 42 years old today.

1. Myself, who I am allowing myself to become
2. My partner Gil, good times and bad (sadly, today has not been one of our good times :-(
3. My son Akello
4. My daughter Makeda
5. My mother, Pearl
6. My father, Ted
7. My sister, Bridget
8. My dear friends. I feel to lucky for all those who remembered my birthday
9. Co-workers and friends
10. The family's of the children I work for
11. The children at my school that I get to regularly interact with
12. My job
13. My wonderful collection of books for myself and the children
14. My home
15. My body
16. My health
17. My car
18. Good neighbors
19. My city
20. Our local library
21. Chai tea
22. Quiet mornings
23. A day off from work as a gift to self
24. Time to myself on my birthday
25. Movie night with the children
26. Frozen yogurt treats on my birthday
27. My developing prayer space
28. My children's prayer space
to be continued

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Looking forward to in(vent)ing this year.

Journey on.